Resources: Share guides, tools, and other resources that you have found useful.

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Resources: Share guides, tools, and other resources that you have found useful.

Share helpful resources, tools, guides, videos, etc by adding your comments below!

resources for monitoring women's human rights

Our work focuses exclusively on women's human rights (although of course it crosses many areas of discrimination). We have produced several guides to using the international human rights system to monitor and promote women's human rights:

Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women: A Procedural Guide. 2009.

Equality and Women's Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. 2004

New Guidelines--Opportunities for Women's Human Rights NGOs (a guide to using the new treaty reporting framework, focusing on the Common Core Document)

Resources on Human Rights Monitoring

The Resource Library on the HURIDOCS Website contains over 100 resources (manuals, websites..) on monitoring and docmentation of human rights.

WATCH resources & manuals

We have two manuals: Developing a Court Monitoring Program and Managing Court Monitor Volunteers. We also have several guidebooks on topics such as how to conduct a judicial candidate forum, write a defendant chronology and gaining access to the court system. Also on this link of our website there is information about the webinars we provide on a variety of topics related to court monitoring and improving justice systems, particularly on behalf of women and children: 

Our resources have been used internationally. The Advocates for Human Rights has used WATCH materials in training groups to monitor the implementation and effectiveness of new domestic violence laws and protocols. 

Monitoring violations against Women human rights defenders

<p>Here is a link to 'Claiming Rights, claiming justice', guidebook developed by the International Coalition of Women Human Rights Defenders of which&nbsp;ISHR is an active member. The guidebook was created to&nbsp;support the ongoing process of enhancing the understanding of, and sensitivity to, the specific issues and situations confronted by women human rights defenders. It provides “a documentation system on violations and abuses against women human rights defenders in order to develop protection mechanisms that are more responsive to their needs”.&nbsp;</p><p>Here's the link:;</p>

OMCT - Practical guides to address the root causes of torture

Here are the links to two OMCT practical guides to address the root causes of torture by preparing and disseminating communications and preparing alternative reports to UN treaty bodies:

Working for Change, No. 1: A Practical Guide to Acting Against the Economic, Social and Cultural Root Causes of Torture and Other Forms of Violence through Action Files

This publication is intended as a practical guide to help NGOs effectively address the economic, social and cultural root causes of torture and other forms of violence by preparing and disseminating communications or “Action Files”.

Working for Change, No. 2: A Practical Guide to Preparing Alternative Reports to United Nations Treaty Bodies addressing the Economic, Social and Cultural Root Causes of Torture and Other Forms of Violence

This publication is intended to help NGOs combat torture and other forms of violence by providing guidance on the preparation of alternative reports on the economic, social and cultural root causes of torture and violence to UN treaty bodies.

Andrea Meraz - World Organisation Against Torture (OMCT)

Resources for turning information into action

Thank you everyone for sharing these great resources on monitoring!  Please continue to share any other guides, articles, books, videos, websites, etc here!

I wanted to share a few great resources on how to turn information into action for change.  Tactical Tech has a website and video full of great examples of ways that human rights activists have turned information into action. 

The website - - offers tactic cards, activism basics cards (that you can download and print to use as facilitation tools), and resources to host a screening of their film.

The film is called "10 Tactics for Turning Information into Action" and it can be streamed for free on Vimeo: (you can also order a hard copy DVD from Tactical Tech).

I can image this tool being helpful to get your own group of activists to start thinking about ways to use the information that has been collected for a campaign to create change.  Or, you may want to share this with other groups that you partner with to carry out campaigns using the information and finding that come from monitoring work.  This may also be a good tool to help monitors think about the outcomes of their work (for motivation, ideas, understanding the purpose, etc).

Take a look at Tactical Tech's other resources (toolkits, guides, hands-on demos, case studies, etc) on:

  • Visualizing information for human rights campaigns (maps, info design, visualizing women's rights, etc)
  • Security (like Security-in-a-box for activists and the new video on digital security)
New Tactics resources: case studies and dialogues

Hi all - the New Tactics community has created some great resources related to human rights monitoring.  We have a number of tactical notebooks (case studies) that highlight different approaches to human rights monitoring:

We also hosted a dialogue on Documenting Violations: Choosing the Right Approach last year that focuses on the documentation, storage, organization and analysis of the data collected from human rights monitoring. 

I hope you find these notebooks and dialogues helpful!  Please utilize this community of practitioners! 

Creative Ways to deliver the message

We have found that the more creative we are in terms of presenting information about the occupation, the more inspired and engaged people become.

The last couple months our team has utilized Google Earth to further draw attention to communities that CPT Palestine supports.  We have found this to be a helpful presentation tool to develop awareness about the issues faced by Palestinian civilians as they endure the Israeli occupation.  Particularly, children and access to education.


For further information about CPT Palestine here is an introductory video:

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